Dental Implants Katy TX
A missing tooth can cause serious problems in a person. More than just creating a gap in your smile, a lost tooth can reduce a person's ability to bite and chew food comfortably. A dental implant is one of the most effective forms of replacing a missing tooth. The implant replaces the root of the lost tooth and forms an anchor for the dental crown. Surgery is required to place an implant in the jaw bone. Only qualified dental professionals can perform this surgery. Our dental office has a team of experienced dentists who have been treating the people of Katy, TX and other cities nearby. Our dentists perform dental implant surgeries and our treatment has effectively worked in replacing lost tooth in many of our patients. Our comprehensive oral care ensures better health and crafts beautiful smiles for our patients.
Benefits of Dental Implants
For many years dental implants have been one of the best ways of replacing a lost tooth because of their advantages over other methods of tooth replacement. The following are some of the benefits of dental implants.
- An implanted tooth can last a lifetime.
- Dental implants do not require the nearby teeth to be ground down like in the case of dental bridges.
- An implanted tooth is stronger and the bite feels more natural.
- It is easy to maintain oral hygiene with an implanted tooth.
Dental Implant Surgery
The surgical process of placing a dental implant and then placing a dental crown over it takes some time. First, our dentist checks the oral health and medical condition of the patient to see if dental implant surgery can be performed. Conditions like uncontrollable diabetes, cancer and gum diseases may not be suitable for dental implant surgery. After performing a thorough checkup, our dentist sets a treatment plan and discusses it with the patient. The placement of a dental implant requires surgery, which is performed using local anesthesia. Once the surgery is complete, the implant is left to heal for a period of few months during which it forms a bond with the jaw bone. Dental crowns are designed to mimic your natural teeth. An abutment is fixed over the dental implant then a dental crown is fit. The treatment is complete and our dentist goes on to provide suggestions to you to take care of your dental implants. Regular visits to our dental office can help patients protect their implanted tooth.